How to sit comfortable in the sea kayak
When you are paddling a kayak, you should sit comfortably in it. When I first started to test kayaks, I did not recognise this was possible (all kayaks where small). But since I did not know that kayaks are available in other sizes for tall people, I tried to find a suitable kayak among the standard size kayaks. Then I learned that there are kayaks made especially for tall people. With that, I could find a kayak in which I could sit comfortably. There was space enough for the feet in the kayak, and there was room enough for the knees as well, without having to sit with almost straight legs.
However, although I have a quite comfortable seat, the seat is not better than I get a pain in the posterior area after paddling a longer distance. While out on the water, grabbing the kayak and raising myselft just a little helps, but I am still searching for a better solution.
Best solution for sitting well in the kayak that I have found so far is the skwoosh x-treme kayak cushion. It is comfortable to sit on, yet not thick. It does not move in your seat, but allows your own movement while paddling. I can definitely prolong my paddling while using this. However, I have a problem with getting it to fit well on the seat, so it is still not the perfect solution, although it contributes to improve the sitting a lot. Only problem is that it raises my seat a little more than wanted, not due to its thickness, but since my seat is contoured. It is hard for the cushion to follow the contour of the seat, specially in the back, and that is where my need is highest.
With the above solved, there is two more areas which I think contribute quite a lot to being comofortable in the kayak:
- Sitting dry.
- When the weather is to warm for my dry suit, then I am using 0.5 mm Neoprene shorts
- When weather is within the dry suit comfortzone, I am using my kayak dry suit from Kokatat, with suitable rash guards underneath
- Being relexed
- Probably my biggest problem with kayaking. I am very relaced on shallow water. On deeper water, specially far from land, I easily get nervous. Thus, I have just learned the eskimo roll. Next step is to get the roll to become trustable...